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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Gijon Spain 04 a McCartney experience part 3

Gijon Spain a McCartney experience part 3.

Several hours later Geoff Baker returned, I told him I think "he rocks" and we discuss Geoff on Pauls official webby alot in heated debates.
"I Rock said Geoff ?" Yes, you treat the fans so well. Geoff, I have been standing here for hours, I know he said, Paul will arrive about 6-7 pm.

The media was arriving in droves at this time they were very pleasant. After the interviews of fans (the Spanish press took many piccies of us) I was in one holding a MACCA press kit. (see part 2) One journalist
Juan Carlos gave me the press kit yes, I asked him for he was a gentleman and very friendly to the fans. An hour later Paul arrived in a blue Mercedes Limo (shown here) behind the gates. We did not have access to him..he waved out the top of the limo.

Paul McCartney arriving in Gijon Spain at airport world tour summer 2004

stay tuned.

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