meta name="p:domain_verify" content="2a5558d39595a805d8e58431034ef756"/> Sir Paul McCartney & The Beatles guest band Purplemelon: Paul MCartney GQ Man of the Year!.
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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Paul MCartney GQ Man of the Year!.

wooohooo Paul,
Paul just recently has been named:

GQ magazines "Man of the Year!" in London. Sir Paul was honoured for his latest album and his successful US tour.
"Paul McCartney is not only one of our greatest living legends, he's also probably the most dignified,"
said GQ editor Dylan Jones.

Paul as he hightails it out the back door with pregnant daughter Sella McCartney, he did not accept the award in person.

Nice kicks Paul! A Well well deserving title congrats! You are the "Man" Paul.

But wait! Paul McCartney sitting with the lovely Elle MacPherson during the GQ award ceremony, such a lovely lady Miss "L" is ~ I could see Paul with Elle could you?

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