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Monday, December 13, 2010

Sirius Radio Sucks RE> Paul McCartney Gig!! The Apollo

hitch h.
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Sirius Radio Sucks RE- Paul McCartney Gig!!The Apollo

Oh man- Sheeesh, what is up with Sirius Radio and trying to log onto The Paul McCartney gig\at The Apollo??  I was trying to log in at 6pm and it wouldn't take my log on? WTF? I inputed  the correct info. When I logged into Sirius  via Firefox last week.. It worked just perfectly fine...So I call Sirius waiting on hold for a long time.. the girl taking my info disconnected me.. So I rang back.. I get the same girl!! I tell her she disconnected me.. she tells me to clear my history and try rebooting.. Are you kidding me?  This is taking precious time of a Live Macca Gig!!  She places me on hold and I get another person on the fone.. Fuck man!!  I log into Sirius again .. It worked fine logging into my account, once again- BUT NOT THE MEDIA PLAYER!!!

Major Fuck up with connections~

A new customer service person comes online " Oh NO, you can't use Firefox use Internet Exployer!!"WTF again?!  So it takes forever to launch the browser.. I get on IE back to Sirius Radio webby, log in fine.. I launch the media player and I tell the girl I bet the gig is almost over?  I ask if anyone else had called in with troubles logging in for the gig, Yes, she says,we had to help several people log in.. This took a total of one hour~
So what  do I get to hear?

Get Back
a bit of Scrambled Eggs :)
Sgt Pepper

    "And only non celebrities out there,please applaud" -     PM

Fab Paul,  haha hahaha caught that - very cool and funny- even tho we couldn't get through on the bogus ticket contest.. Thank You ~  .. Musicians Yes, Celebs NO!~
Please MPL release this on DVD for us that couldn't listen or have access to Sirius Radio? Pretty please with a tofu wing on top? :):)~
You know if Sirius was giving a gig, celebrating it's 20 million customers with the stature of Paul McCartney
 you'd think they would get it together and make sure everyone subscribed could log  onto their webby- so everyone could have a decent listen..that blows. Sirius Radio,to be blunt, you suck- straight up~ you
 got major Beatles & McCartney followers counting onthis... one off live gig.. First SNL, now Sirius- yaeh, cool- NOT!

So Paul , Yes you Macca, for the 4 tunes I did get to listen to; you were in  fine voice,everyone sounded the way they should have .. In tune, On  time, Just rawkin!!~Your sound guys plugged ya in just right!~ hahaha~
ahh we hear there is going to be a re- broadcast of your live show~ what at 9pm on the west coast
 hopefully, that will happen -without any more glitches?~xx Paul

Oh Wow, Oh Wow new songs One After 909 & Hitch Hike- off the hook- the sound is freakin brilliant busted PA & all!!~

Oh Man watch Paul n the band Perform Marvin Gaye's- Hitch Hike with busted PA & restart!!! YES Paul do more Motown!!!

freakin brilliant!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

really an eye opener for me.

- Robson


The Space Within Us McCartney dvd contest! click on this link to enter the TheSpace Within Us dvd contest I have two copies to give away! all requirements detailed so please enter~

NeoWORX try it yourself!

go to Imagine and be heard

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