meta name="p:domain_verify" content="2a5558d39595a805d8e58431034ef756"/> Sir Paul McCartney & The Beatles guest band Purplemelon: See your Sunshine for Heather
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Saturday, June 23, 2007

See your Sunshine for Heather

Saturday 23rd of June 2007
McCartney's Song For Estranged Wife
news post India

Saturday 23rd of June 2007 Beatles legend Sir Paul McCartney has a love song on his new album dedicated to his estranged wife Heather Mills.The song, 'On See Your Sunshine', was written before their marriage broke up and he sings: 'She makes me feel glad/I want her so bad.' Said McCartney, speaking about his new album 'Memory Almost Full': '

A lot of the album was done before, during and after our separation. I didn't go back and take out any songs to do with her. That one was written during a good time with Heather.'I don't want to deny those times. When you're going through a separation, it's always tempting to put all that behind you, but I don't think that's right.'Mills claimed that McCartney hit her but said she wanted to keep things civil for their daughter. 'I'm not a great grudge-holder. It's just unfortunate it didn't work out.'

harleyblues note:
the song is called "See your Sunshine" not "On see your sunshine" as the New Deli post says. just and fyi

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