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Monday, July 30, 2007

Gas station entertainment what will they think of next?

~ Ok so I'm off to work this morning, dang I need gas fast! I stop at my local Shell station just down the street from where I live. I stop. input my card I hear a voice, looking around no one was there well it sure wasn't my car. I look up than I see a familiar face Jon Stewart late night talk show host, what the?
am I seeing things? I than see my local news plastered on the white gas pump eyes ajusting. That's right you guessed it a flat screen tv implanted in the gas pump, wow! I saw my local weather, looking intently attempting NOT to go over my gas budget. ( have you see the price of gas in California) anyhow here I am pumpin gas & watching tv at the gas station.

What ever happened to the days when you drove into a gas station "ding, ding" a service attendant would come out and say to my mom "Fill er up ma am, check you oil & water, tires ma'am" and wash the windshield all with a smile, what will they think of next?
anyone else have these types of experiences, comments ?


SandyCarlson said...

Great post! Brought back memories of Bob the Gas Station Man who did repairs, oil changes, tows, fill-ups, and brought you home so you wouldn't have to wait around. His pumps had rounded corners. We did not wear seat belts, and we were broke....Recycled late night at the gas pump--a clever diversion to get us to overpump, maybe not study the prices?

Unknown said...

Hiya Sandy!
what were the prcies back than do you recall? I couldnt believe it telly & the station if you donot pay attention you could over fill, hum perhaps that the concept? lmao
hey thanx for posting!

Crushed said...

You should come to Birmingham, We have News broadcast via a huge screen 24 hours over Chamberlain Square.

Some of the buses in Brum also have Tv screens in them now, which is pretty annoying if you decide to take the bus to work for whatever reason (as in, no chance for a quick nap).

Unknown said...

gosh I just got home after I post tomorrow guys long work day its 10 pm!


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