meta name="p:domain_verify" content="2a5558d39595a805d8e58431034ef756"/> Sir Paul McCartney & The Beatles guest band Purplemelon: Paul Simon Paul McCartneys equivalent?
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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Paul Simon Paul McCartneys equivalent?

Paul Simon Paul McCartneys equivalent?

Oh I was just reading where someone or some online paper believes Paul Simon an American singer/song writer is Paul McCartney's equivalent?
Say what? Hell no, there are much better Singer/Song writers than Simon for example
Neil be con.

Note: I'll continue on this post sometime this week I have other blog posting to do and my nightmare of labels, archives etc. Sometimes you gotta laugh, than laugh somemore.


gilan said...

Good try, but Neil Young is Canadian.

The Beatle Invasion

Anonymous said...

I think Paul Simon is good but, of course, not as good as Paul. I must say though that Paul Simon has a very weird stage presence in concert. I saw a Simon & Garf. concert a few years ago. The music was great, but poor Paul was just odd!

Unknown said...

lol lmao yes your right Gilan he is Candian and a much better singer song writer than Paul Simon even Art Garfunkel is better than Simon


Unknown said...

so getting back to what I was saying no way in hell is Paul Simon in the same league as Macca!


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