Memory Almost full promo poster in question
So I will be calling the manager to see if they disposed of the poster after months of waiting to get it. Just spoke to the manager of the store she flat out denied she was there when she stated "wait until after the promotion." one Friday evening.
"The poster is a trademark of Starbucks" she claimed they are not aloud to give anything away. Why did your people lie and give me the run around I asked her? "oh probably to make you happy she said," "say what?" If I would have known, I would have told you that you couldn't have it (the poster).
I said you know, I'll be blogging about this, lying to people and giving them the run around is-just, NOT good customer service as a paying customer! You can do what you want, this is a free country said the manager, with a laugh in her voice. What a joke.
This is a principle issue here. Your only as good as your word and the product you sell, and the people that represent your company, in this case (flat out liars) Geeesh, you know Starbucks is over rated in my opinion their coffee is NOT the best and over priced!
I think I'll be boycotting them from now on and get my coffee elsewhere, say Peete's or my local 7-11 which is much better and cheaper, ha!
side note: Mellisa was the only honest and friendliest one in the bunch.
update: during 60 minutes tonight, on Andy Rooneys segment, I happened to catch this lil tidbit: said Rooney "Starbucks coffee beans are over roasted, and the coffee has a burnt taste" well, well, well, good one Andy, I couldn't have said it better myself. So Andy Rooney doesn't care for Starbucks either? hehehehehe
please post your comments HB~
Boo to Sunnyvale Starbucks! That stinks. I've read about many other people getting the posters from Starbucks so it's obviously only this manager and not company policy or anything. I don't blame you for boycotting them.
Oh hello my friend wow!! Trip! I was just thinking of you hours ago wondering about you! yes this makes me angry Im actually red faced becuz I was soo excited to get a poster from them only to be let down smack down they sworn up and down the street that I could have the Macca poster how are you I just tried ringin ya
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