meta name="p:domain_verify" content="2a5558d39595a805d8e58431034ef756"/> Sir Paul McCartney & The Beatles guest band Purplemelon: Part 3 My trip to Grand Ol England a Macca exeprience
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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Part 3 My trip to Grand Ol England a Macca exeprience

Approximately, 15 minutes later Sam walked in. I gave him a big Ol hug and a very NICE bottle of scotch. He gave me another copy of his book~ the first bookm I bought was a misprint, and the English.UK version had a different title from the American title.

I met his mate Eddie, who was also a tour guide & a mate of Paul. He was wonderful.... telling me stories of a party he had attended where he first met Heather. I will tell about that later.... with Eddie in the Cavern pub... he spoke about a party that was given after an awards ceremony @ LIPA I believe. E

Paul & Heather walked in! One of them said ...I don't know if it was Eddie or Paul... why nobody wasn't drinking? There were 20 bottles of champagne on the table! Paul or Eddie said why? They are waiting for the guest of honor? ~~ Eddie grabbed a bottle to pour for Paul & Heather. Paul & Eddie were nodding at each other in some sort of spoofing way, Eddie turned his head, the cork popped up and hit the  

Eddie had popped open a bottle of champagne thinking it would hot the ceiling instead of the wall. The cork landed between Paul's legs....Eddie looked up at Paul, then Heather says... "Can I go down between Paul's legs," or something like that.I suppose they all had a laugh. Eddie then bought me another pint. I was getting way past sleepy....

So I cut out, while trying to find my way through that shopping center maze. I got lost! YEP! Then when I was on my way back up the hill to the
FEATHERS hotel, Sam & Sarah F had rung me that night, but didn't ask me what the hell they said because I was too tired to remember..Lol! Sadly enough, its all starting to blur...wish I had journaled than trip? Whatta maroon...

It was so bright and early the very next day and I went into the dinning area, very impressive very ENGLISH wrought iron and tons to eat. Well, I wasn't going to eat that black burnt stuff...scary looking actually, so I had eggs, tomatoes, toast, and mushrooms and tea & coffee! The place was rather quaint an old world charm ! The china was just fab... would like a set of that darn china.

Well, I was in a rush because I needed to check out and go down the street to the Adelphi, to meet up with the tour that had flown into Manchester that day~ so here I am lugging my bags took two trips~ sheeeesh, went to check into the joint. I then went to go eat, at the VEGAS named restaurant... lol when I returned the gang was there! So, we took a walk down to Albert go check out the BEATLES story...that was a long walk if you ask me? LOL!

My eyes were burning from my lack of sleep...The Beatles joint was a step back in time of course, pretty much cool, the recreation of the Cavern club, cool beans...the giant piccie of the guys on the wall was too cool, got a pic of that and others. What was really haunting was seeing John Lennon's White piano, & those world famous "glass" that cost a cool million & a half, that was on loan from a private collector... How nice of them to


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