Deborah from Life in The fast lane tagged me?
say what? Ive never done this before but will give it a try, Im sure Deborah will correct me if Im wrongo! lol
So I guess I'll have to answer all these questions 10 in all alrighty than
The Instructions: Remove the blog from the top, move all blogs up one, and then add yourself to the bottom.
Life With Heathens, What Floats My Boat, Homespun Honolulu, Who’s Yo Mama and Life in the Fast Lane, Sir Paul McCartney & The Beatles guest band purplemelon this is me!
What were you doing 10 years ago (5 Things):
OMG are you serious? ok
1.going on bike "runs" havin too much fun, riding with my buddy "Rito" who has now since past away miss him.
2.workin at my current job
3.partying to much, lol
4.collecting Beatle/McCartney stuff big time!
5. hangn out with da fella's
What were you doing 1 year ago (5 Things):
1. Recovering from surgery a year ago to date, enhancements, lol
2. workin at my current job
3. seein a Giants game with my buddy Anna, that dork!
4. posting daily on Paul McCartney's webby
5. hangin out with my dad who I hadn't seen in years (long story)
Five Snacks You Enjoy:
man now it's gettin easier
1.cheetos or corn chips ( ther're in the same family)
2. Ho Ho's
3. tea & cookies
4. veggies
5. quesodillas with chili or jalepenos
Five Songs That You Know The Lyrics To:
Ha! I know too many songs & too many lyrics Ima music person member, lol
lol put it this way, I know mostly all the lyrics to Beatles songs, most of McCartney & Wings songs, workin my way to know All McCartney solo efforts.
Five Things You Would Do If You Were A Millionaire
easy one!
1.Buy my own pad I've never owned a house with more animal additions
2.Follow Paul McCartney an entire tour! (thats my dream) take a few mates with me of course
3.give to those that have been good to me in my life, that's not many.
4. give to people less fortunate set up a foundation, hell that takes more than a million here in California lol
Five Bad Habits:
1.intermintent smoking
2.worry about the future
3.spend wayyy to much time online
Five Things You Like To Do:
1.listen to music and sing
2.travel the world seein Paul McCartney/chattin with me friends in Europe
3.beein free in the wind enjoying nature
4.laugh,laugh,laugh laugh hehehehe hahahaha!
5.Tell people how much they mean to me/blogging online
Five Things You Would Never Wear Again:
1.stirrup pants like when I was a kid
2. small bra's lol
3. fur
4.gouchos never liked them things
5. metal shoe (long story)
Five Favorite Toys:
1.my computer
2. my BMW/70 El Camino (dont even ask about the Harley)
3, Beatles collection
4. my gadegets that play music no-I dont have an ipod
say what? Ive never done this before but will give it a try, Im sure Deborah will correct me if Im wrongo! lol
So I guess I'll have to answer all these questions 10 in all alrighty than
The Instructions: Remove the blog from the top, move all blogs up one, and then add yourself to the bottom.
Life With Heathens, What Floats My Boat, Homespun Honolulu, Who’s Yo Mama and Life in the Fast Lane, Sir Paul McCartney & The Beatles guest band purplemelon this is me!
What were you doing 10 years ago (5 Things):
OMG are you serious? ok
1.going on bike "runs" havin too much fun, riding with my buddy "Rito" who has now since past away miss him.
2.workin at my current job
3.partying to much, lol
4.collecting Beatle/McCartney stuff big time!
5. hangn out with da fella's
What were you doing 1 year ago (5 Things):
1. Recovering from surgery a year ago to date, enhancements, lol
2. workin at my current job
3. seein a Giants game with my buddy Anna, that dork!
4. posting daily on Paul McCartney's webby
5. hangin out with my dad who I hadn't seen in years (long story)
Five Snacks You Enjoy:
man now it's gettin easier
1.cheetos or corn chips ( ther're in the same family)
2. Ho Ho's
3. tea & cookies
4. veggies
5. quesodillas with chili or jalepenos
Five Songs That You Know The Lyrics To:
Ha! I know too many songs & too many lyrics Ima music person member, lol
lol put it this way, I know mostly all the lyrics to Beatles songs, most of McCartney & Wings songs, workin my way to know All McCartney solo efforts.
Five Things You Would Do If You Were A Millionaire
easy one!
1.Buy my own pad I've never owned a house with more animal additions
2.Follow Paul McCartney an entire tour! (thats my dream) take a few mates with me of course
3.give to those that have been good to me in my life, that's not many.
4. give to people less fortunate set up a foundation, hell that takes more than a million here in California lol
Five Bad Habits:
1.intermintent smoking
2.worry about the future
3.spend wayyy to much time online
Five Things You Like To Do:
1.listen to music and sing
2.travel the world seein Paul McCartney/chattin with me friends in Europe
3.beein free in the wind enjoying nature
4.laugh,laugh,laugh laugh hehehehe hahahaha!
5.Tell people how much they mean to me/blogging online
Five Things You Would Never Wear Again:
1.stirrup pants like when I was a kid
2. small bra's lol
3. fur
4.gouchos never liked them things
5. metal shoe (long story)
Five Favorite Toys:
1.my computer
2. my BMW/70 El Camino (dont even ask about the Harley)
3, Beatles collection
4. my gadegets that play music no-I dont have an ipod
5. My honey
Five things you hate to do:
3.say "no" to someone
4.get up earlier than I have to
5. argue
To quote Deborah I’m now passing this meme on to others. What's a MEME? lol Play along if you want, and if not, hey you SUCK! I'm kidding, that’s cool! So Deborah tagged me as Christina from Harleyblues actually it's Harleyblues from Sir Paul McCartney & The Beatles guest band Purplemelon
Five things you hate to do:
3.say "no" to someone
4.get up earlier than I have to
5. argue
To quote Deborah I’m now passing this meme on to others. What's a MEME? lol Play along if you want, and if not, hey you SUCK! I'm kidding, that’s cool! So Deborah tagged me as Christina from Harleyblues actually it's Harleyblues from Sir Paul McCartney & The Beatles guest band Purplemelon
Kim Laketrees
Morgan The Process of a Miracle a 30 Day Experiment
Franco Mind, Body, Spirit And Fluttering Thoughts
Help Sresskills.net
Crushed by Crushed by ingsoc
You guys above have been tagged! ps. Im havin puter problems so bloggin is takin longer than usual Iv'e been trying for 3 plus days to download McAfee no workin! sheeeesh lol
hey Christina
thanks for thinking of me and the grey background is there to stay :) :) lol..... on my blog that is......
Great job Christina! Sorry I messed up with the link text, I'll change that :-)
Is that piccy of you? You're a cutie! You should be workin it with your avatar!
Glad to see I'm not the only junk food junkie, haha!
Stirrup pants ... I remember them! Wore them too! Gack!
I sent you a couple emails from my private email addie, mine's not working right now. If you don't see them, check your spam filter. Sorry you're still having Macaffee probs :-(
Post facts about Me?
I am notoriously cagy about my identity...
Still, not been tagged on this one yet, so I've no excuse not to.
Prob be Tuesday now, because I may not get a chance to post tonight, and Monday is always the Sitepoll.
I couldn't find a good shortened version of your title, so youre linked as Harleyblues.
yes lol no worries you may leave your udebity as is! just post some facts about ya! lol and let me know so Imay read it!
Morgan copy and paste the thread replace my name & URL at the top put yours on the bottom nextto all the other links get it a bit?
Hi Christina..thanks for tagging me. You're sweet. Enjoying your 3 blogs. Nice!! Stay in touch now, you hear?
I shall post tomorrow on it.
Explain the moving up one thing. What's all that about?
see where deborahs name is put my name and npg name there put your name nect to mine of the people who have been tagged!
oh to Crushed
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