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Wow, I gotta beg for the time off to see Paul in Vegas!
Just the thought of this post makes me shiver. I even hate to think or write about it.
Like most big businesses you have to to fill out a vacation request form a year ahead of time. How in the world do we actually know what we are going to be doing a year from now? In my case I sprinkle time thru-out the year. (I have nothing planned after April lol) We received our vacation request bids in January the 1st, of the New Year-thru April the following year.
I put in my request February 19th. I thought it was plenty of time, to request time off~Right?
In our case where I work, only 5 people at a time are allowed off for the entire Department. This equals to 100's of people. Since, I did not request April 20 Th off last year, 5 other people did-wouldn't you know it? just freakin GREAT! Now, I am, the second person on the waiting list Dangit. So when the schedule for April comes around I must scramble around asking any of those 5 people if we can make a vacation day switch!
I am willing to give them any day off (that I do have coming this year.) I have 5 weeks vacation coming for 2009. I have seniority. What I do not have, is April 20Th off-The day I want to fly back from Vegas to the Bay Area. Isn't that freakin brilliant! HA! I can't miss Paul McCartney again- like I have in the past!
I have my ticket in hand. Do not stand in the way of die-hard fans wanting to see Macca live in concert. This is one of the ultimate joys in life-at least for me, it is. I'm going to plead my case, offer one of my days off and perhaps lunch to one of these people. I haven't made flight or hotel arrangements yet, I still have a bit of time. I am praying very hard-which I do on a daily basis.
I have been brain storming really hard! :) Wouldn't you know it?- I hate when this happens!!~
Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever gotten really creative wanting time off ? lol
All suggestions welcome! (No, I can't call in sick, HA!) I am not the type to beg but for Paul McCartney, I will!
When Paul McCartney met Jesus-lmao!
Love that lil story above..with German sub-titles. :) Oh correction! I just received a message from Wunjo-that the sub-titles are indeed in Dutch! lmfao!! I should have known better between Dutch & German!~ Ik ben uw SILLY GOOSE :):) hallo aan alle fans! :)
My mind is definately wondering- how I am gonna make it to the Vegas gig? Missing Coachella..definately- no time off..Too bad, Amy Winehouse, had to cancel denied a work Visa-oh Bullchips!
Which was the most difficult ticket to get?
I am making it to the Charity Gig in New York. I can't wait to see Paul McCartney & Ringo! As well as a few other artists. Donovan, Eddie Vedder, Moby & Ben Harper. This gig will surely rock! I won't be in the first few rows. I donot have a $100,000 bucks! ha!
Now Macca in Vegas? I must be there. After all this gig sold out in a record 7 seconds! My brain is on super duper warp speed :) hum.. I did ask, If I could come in late that day as long as I make it to work, right? I'll be running on adrenaline! wondering, thinking, pondering?.......hehehehe.
I've been waiting on a friend all day!~
a piccie ded: below. She had to see my latest post~ lol

wir lieben Paul McCartney, hallo Liz :p was Sie so lang dauerte? lol :)
German or Dutch? That's difficult for many people. But these subtitles are indeed Dutch. It makes it so easy for me to understand what 'this guy' is saying. But one keeps wondering who this Jesus was :)
By the way: your Dutch is perfect. Hallo Christina. Fijn weekend! Heel veel plezier in New York en Vegas. I am sure you are going to make it to Vegas too!
Hiya Els....
thanx for the correction and the mighty well wishes! I truly appreciate that very much?
I wonder who that was too that Paul climed is Jesus? lol :)
Hey! I'm heading to Coachella to see Paul along with many others. Maybe we'll run into each other. I'll be wearing shorts and a band t-shirt :)
Hiya Baysife Tigers
I won't be at Coachella! no time off. I will be in New York, and hopefully Vegas-
BTW- you and 1000's of others will be wearing the same freakin thing! lmao!!!
now, that I just reread your comment! lol
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