meta name="p:domain_verify" content="2a5558d39595a805d8e58431034ef756"/> Sir Paul McCartney & The Beatles guest band Purplemelon: just a note
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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

just a note

Hey everyone I realize I haven't written for 1 plus days, isn't that awful? hehehe last night I just couldn't after a full days work than CPR class, ever try doing a hands on class when you are dead tired? not fun. I had to drink me at least 3 cups of coffee to stay awake perhaps it was more so just a short lil note on me lunch break. Have a rockin day


Anonymous said...

Hi C,
hey, maybe it's a good thing not to post everyday,you could be spamming your own blog hahaha......what was that beatles song? Oh yes....All You Need is Spam :o)

Unknown said...

close Colin close! lol

Anonymous said...

Hey friend, I know what you mean about being tired! I had to move the whole library again! Whew! They had some guys to help, but I have done more than my share of moving books and boxes this week! I am wiped out! I hope that you managed to stay awake through that CPR class!

Unknown said...

hiya Daisy
where ya been? yes I managed the class hehehe


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