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Paul McCartney Owes No one a damn Apology!
Hey kids. I wasn't gonna do it; I wasn't going to say a thing; but this nitpicking and back lashing of Paul McCartney & President Barrack Obama is a bunch of non-sense crap.. splattered on Fox News, You tube, Macca's Official webby and lil pockets here and there..regarding his joke; when receiving his Gershwin prize..
Can anyone get a sense of freaking humor here in middle America? namely you conservative, hypocrites; who like to bash anyone with a sense of Justice, Intelligence, Wit and Democratic values of the people.. Who knows what John Lennon or George Harrison would think?-
I' believe they would say the same kinda thing- perhaps adding to Paul's snippet. God only knows, had Paul, said something controversial- What kind of blubbering out cry there would be~ and this was just a quaint lil joke - by a Beatle, a Legend, a Poet, Artist, Activist, Father - "Macca" Paul is no freakin slouch..
Put your big boy & girl pants on.. start with a daily mantra ..of?
"oh you're so shocked & offended" by Paul's innocent joke~
Go live in Siberia if you're so easily offended.. or communist China- or Korea. are you so thinned skinned? You give the decent conservatives a bad name.. How embarrassing- all the hate you are spewing- Get a clue , Get a grip & Get a life! I'm grateful I do not share in your narrow minded, elitist attitudes~
Go blow off some steam by doing some jumping jacks or something ha!
You want an Apology?
Too every pissed off Conservative...
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Paul McCartney Owes No one a damn Apology!
Hey kids. I wasn't gonna do it; I wasn't going to say a thing; but this nitpicking and back lashing of Paul McCartney & President Barrack Obama is a bunch of non-sense crap.. splattered on Fox News, You tube, Macca's Official webby and lil pockets here and there..regarding his joke; when receiving his Gershwin prize..
Can anyone get a sense of freaking humor here in middle America? namely you conservative, hypocrites; who like to bash anyone with a sense of Justice, Intelligence, Wit and Democratic values of the people.. Who knows what John Lennon or George Harrison would think?-
I' believe they would say the same kinda thing- perhaps adding to Paul's snippet. God only knows, had Paul, said something controversial- What kind of blubbering out cry there would be~ and this was just a quaint lil joke - by a Beatle, a Legend, a Poet, Artist, Activist, Father - "Macca" Paul is no freakin slouch..
Put your big boy & girl pants on.. start with a daily mantra ..of?
"oh you're so shocked & offended" by Paul's innocent joke~
Go live in Siberia if you're so easily offended.. or communist China- or Korea. are you so thinned skinned? You give the decent conservatives a bad name.. How embarrassing- all the hate you are spewing- Get a clue , Get a grip & Get a life! I'm grateful I do not share in your narrow minded, elitist attitudes~
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You want an Apology?
Too every pissed off Conservative...
Let's see.. perhaps Macca would consider an apology; when George W. Bush apologizes too The American people, and The World- for the War in Iraq- Lying, & more lying and deceiving - the people;.. leaving this country in shambles for our current President, Barrack Obama, to clean up the mess,... only than ..
maybe.. just maybe... Paul would.. apologize....nahh.. no way!
The innocence of a wee joke.. spurs out rage by the Right . amazing!!
Sorry, you didn't win The White House... that would be a winner, right? Sarah Palin and her pyscho-ness- yeah, just what America needs...
Would there be a difference If 'A Republican' were sitting in Office, and Paul had made the comment about a Democrat? hardly~ Your Mamma's should be ashamed of the fucked up off spring they raised, that's right. You're the ones with no manners or class. You preach hate & war; some of you claiming you're God fearing people- riggght..
Are there not more important issues to worry about in this world- than what Paul McCartney said about a former President? it was his night accepting his Gershwin award. Let him have his day- you attempt to ruin it with political rants and verbal lynchings..
I'm really put off by all the foul- salty posts; your inaccurate, poor news reporting, ie FOX news, you tube vid messages and any, other way, you can find- dissing- Paul McCartney & President Obama, Demanding apologies..
Paul McCartney doesn't owe you a damn thing!
Face book page: Paul doesn't owe anyone an Apology
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to be con..I just might add more later...M.
The innocence of a wee joke.. spurs out rage by the Right . amazing!!
Sorry, you didn't win The White House... that would be a winner, right? Sarah Palin and her pyscho-ness- yeah, just what America needs...
Would there be a difference If 'A Republican' were sitting in Office, and Paul had made the comment about a Democrat? hardly~ Your Mamma's should be ashamed of the fucked up off spring they raised, that's right. You're the ones with no manners or class. You preach hate & war; some of you claiming you're God fearing people- riggght..
Are there not more important issues to worry about in this world- than what Paul McCartney said about a former President? it was his night accepting his Gershwin award. Let him have his day- you attempt to ruin it with political rants and verbal lynchings..
I'm really put off by all the foul- salty posts; your inaccurate, poor news reporting, ie FOX news, you tube vid messages and any, other way, you can find- dissing- Paul McCartney & President Obama, Demanding apologies..
Paul McCartney doesn't owe you a damn thing!
Face book page: Paul doesn't owe anyone an Apology
have a comment, please feel free to leave one
to be con..I just might add more later...M.
Thanks for posting this, really. I am so relieved to finally read an account of all this bullcrap laid out for all those crazy people who don't know how to shut up.
I'm a conservative (Independent) who is completely disgusted by the reaction from other conservatives around me. I'm being ridiculed for still supporting our Macca and everything he has/will do! It's insane! Some people are so close-minded that the let remarks from celebrities control their own thoughts, and what a level of ignorance that shows. I don't care where you fall in the political spectrum, if you let what a celebrity says control how you think, you're a moron. I was called "crazy" for going to see Paul in Salt Lake next month; my roommate is calling Macca a "socialist" and saying that the UK is "full of communists." How ignorant is that, anyway? And how hateful and blinded.
I didn't vote for our president, but I support him because he is leading my country and he has had to deal with a tremendous amount of problems lately, leftover from our last administration (of which I was not a huge supporter either) as well as sudden things like the oil crisis. President Obama deserves respect from all Americans since he is leading our country. Got that, all you whining conservatives?
And furthermore, Paul's comment? Please. I've heard people say far worse about Bush, Obama, etc. and it be overlooked completely. It's a joke. If you're too thin-skinned to take a joke, go crawl back under the rock from whence you came.
So I second that Paul owes NO ONE in America an apology, and if you have an issue with him... GROW UP!!
I'd have to argue with the Bush part. He did what he needed to do, and Now it's Obamma's issue, and insetead of trying to get a freak 2,000 page Health bill approved, he should get his butt in gear and start doing something about it. It's never going to be Peaceful on this earth, and if Iraq blows us to hell with nuclear bombs, I'm blaming the idiot who didn't stand up to them.
other than that, I can't rant, I'm a Macca fan.
@ MaccaGirl90
very well said girly. I appreciate a conservative Independent backin Macca..You stick to your guns . Love how you are supportng the President. Obama has a load of crap to deal with wothout fanatics having a go at him or Paull thank yuo so much for posting~ hugs Peace & Love to you!!
@ Anomm~
yu know a health care bill needs to be passed for all Americans, health care is costly and sky high!!
Bush did what he had to do..I think he went over board with all this spending on the war while our guys and allies got shot up for what? defending someone else's country.
Do you really believe- that we will let pychos blow us up? Hell no!! Good to see your a Macca fan..
Peace to you!!
Of course he doesn't owe you a damn thing, because Paul McCartney Really Is Dead - http://paulreallyisdead.com/
@ One who claims his name is Paul McCartney lol
well, I just saw Paul~ Mac a few months ago.. So close in fact I could almost touch his hand!!~ ha!! Paul is alive and well- thanx very much!!~
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