meta name="p:domain_verify" content="2a5558d39595a805d8e58431034ef756"/> Sir Paul McCartney & The Beatles guest band Purplemelon: Say what?! Macca invites Fans on Stage during Soundcheck!
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Friday, November 12, 2010

Say what?! Macca invites Fans on Stage during Soundcheck!

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Say what?!Macca invites Fans on stage during soundcheck!

Hey people, Say you want to see Paul McCartney. Say you went to see Paul McCartney. Say you went to a soundcheck of Paul McCartney. Say that Paul McCartney invited you on stage to act a fool to "Get Back?" Say what?! Yep, that's what happened~ Damn, some people have all the luck- :) With a little luck they worked it all out... right on!

check out this video of Paul McCartney's Soundcheck, November 11th in  Buenos Aires, Argentina~ Some very excited Fans; dancing around, on stage, with Paul Mac and the band- Lucky's, some even got to hug Paul!~ I'm Amazed~ sniff...

Next stop SAO PAOLOOO!~ 

So how was your day? :):)

more later


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey i am suuper boy


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