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Saturday, April 09, 2011

When Jen Met Macca & Toronto

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When Jen Met Macca & Toronto
note: long post

 Hey people, remember last summer when I wrote about an amazing trip to Toronto and  never finished it?.. I suppose now is a good time as any to finish said post.. link is here -  ( for those who need refreshing )  titled: I'm  on my way to Toronto a Paul McCartney adventure.. I left off at:

"Hey people, these last two gigs were some of Paul McCartney's best ever! I lost my fucking phone in a cab..& my friend Jen got her arm signed by Paul at the sound check.. what the? I am happy for her.. I wish it was me.. but Jen deserves it!~..I swear, I didn't cry when she walked up to me tonight- me in the 14th row on the isle.. I was shocked.. more, when I get back to the states..~ I have a very very early flight!!"
 I had wrote a bloggy post about Jen and her newly inked arm.. and forgot, sorta, about this post giving her the limey light:

That first night in Toronto as Jen and I were in the second row center- we were sweating bullets.. having the time of our lives.. It was hard to get to sleep that  night as I was posting on my blog and at Very bright and very early, the next morning after what seemed like 4 hours sleep a very loud siren or alarm went off .. It was the fucking fire alarm.. shit, down 20 flights of stairs on a jacked up knee..  damn that pissed me off..  ( What will happen next? ) after the clear signal no fucking fire..  I thought I'd take a nap.. for tonight's gig with Paul McCartney again.. Yeah!

The phone rings and hour later.. It's Jen - we talked about what we would do if were were going to meet Paul McCartney, that day.. Jen had a huge feeling that day she would meet Paul for some odd reason, as today, she was going to the Sound check before the gig.. and what was to happen - became a reality for Ms. Dodge as she held up her sign at the sound check.. Jen had thought Paul had forgotten as Paul,. read the sign and told her to save her arm strength..Well you know -I was a complete mess when she walked up to me and should me ..her....


Jen's PETA sign that caught Macca's eye at Sound check..

The only PETA Thing I had was a Meet Free Monday's tee & a piccie- I wondered around the venue looking for Jen... not knowing Paul McCartney signed her arm!

Shoot -I can't even wear the Meat Free Mondays tee at work ( I did twice ) scroll down for more on this adventure....

Paul McCartney signing Jen's arm that fateful day August 9th 2010 Toronto

Wow! Just fucking wow!! Now, I have known people who have had their parts signed by Paul McCartney, himself.. but this is special to me - for the fact Jen is a dear friend.. and a great fan.. I think this would be the highlight for any Beatles or McCartney fan to have a siggy graph from a living legend who happens to be Paul McCartney:  ( I know it would be for me ) I'm personally still in awe of this fotograph- Damn, this rocks so much.. I wish it had been me.. Happy that it happened for you Jen... hugs!! xx       Diggin the MPL logo on the trunk - too cool :)

Our Friend Danica with her signed Toronto 2010

But Paul! We LOVE bringing our signs.. We hope you don't mind.. Danica don't feel bad doll.. Paul has past up many signs I have brought to gigs..I know how you feel... I met the coolest cat named Keith Correa at second nights gig a HUGE promoter in Toronto. The Original Kid Rock - as his business card states ..

As always Paul McCartney and his band put on a brilliant show!! Mull of Kyntire was insane! that was  well worth it for the flight coming from California.. mishaps and all -and the camera dying of course.. hahaha~ nothing as priceless than seeing Paul McCartney - live - truly..

Girl, left who was sitting next to me that second night.. The Canadians are some of the greatest people out of all the gigs I have attended.. The best gigs are by far - have been the most memorable for me..( Some greats in the states..)  by out side the states - pure magic!..

Ha- as always we never want the gig to end.. piccie right of some musicians playing Beatles & AC/DC tunes after the gig.. I had to capture the moment.. me, walking back to the hotel.. Hey Where's my cab?!!!

The following day- I had an early flight to catch.Getting outta Toronto was horrible..Once on the plane my thoughts wondered over the last few days spent in Toronto..

Jen, having her arm signed by Paul McCartney and wondering ( If ever ) I'd get to meet Paul myself?
tears began to trickle down my face - I didn't want to admit it-  as I thought Fuck! Paul, I want to meet you too! so many  people I know  have met  Macca- not me..a little luck hasn't happened to me yet.. ooohhh sigh, as my eyes closed for take off on the way back to the states-  the music of the past two nights filled my head.. waiting, for my next Paul McCartney adventure.. :)

McCartney/ harley..

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