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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Slate magazine "Dear Prudence"

Slate magazine.
Years ago I found this funny lil webby online called Slate magazine poking fun at politicians and current day events with a satirical twist, to put it quit simply. I must say this website is absolutely brilliant! while sleuthing the site the other day I came across a feature named
"Dear Prudence" of course quite captivated by the name for its Beatle reference and song~ "Dear Prudence"

Prudence (not her real name of course) is what you would call a modern day
"Dear Abbey" people writing in for advice from how tos-what to dos, morals and manners. I must say it IS quit hysterical! Questions are formed into a video cartoon, "brill" than "Prudie"thoughtfully nicknamed, responds in a video letter as herself, also "brill" If I could figure a way to post a video here of "Dear Prudence" I will, of course my description of the site does not do it justice. See webby here

In the meantime why not listen to "Dear Prudence by the Beatles"

a lil Beatles history
The song is about actress Mia Farrow's sister, Prudence, who was present when the Beatles visited Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in India. Prudence, focused on meditation, stayed in her room for the majority of their stay. Lennon, who was worried that she was depressed, wrote this song for her, inviting her to "come out to play".
While the Beatles left the course, Mia, Prudence, Mike Love of the Beach Boys, and others, stayed and became Transcendental Meditation (or TM) teachers.


Kim said...

really interesting story Christina
...I didn't even know that Mia Farrow had a sister.......
I have been to an ashram in Australia......they are very peaceful places :)

Anonymous said...

I didn't know the history of the song - thanks for posting.

My favorite version is the one that Alanis Morrisette performed (heresy! I know) at the "Come Together" show in New York a few weeks after 9/11. Cyndi Lauper does a great "Strawberry Fields" too.

I'm off to check the column. Thanks for the tip!

Unknown said...

Hiya Kim,
long time no see, Yes anywhere that would give one peace is pretty peaceful, lol ok being silly hope you saw in ravs,save, & favs in my sidebar there your link!
brillant art you have Kim your a artful genius. smiles!

Unknown said...

Hiya Virushead
welcome! ahh Yes a lil Beatles trivia love em can you tell? Yes Slate Rocks please come again HB.

Alanis eh? I saw her in LA at Paul McCartneys secert gig at Amoeba Records in Hollywood. They were one isle behind me to my left ie:Ringo, Barbara Bach,Woody Harrelson (sp)Jeff Lynn.

Anonymous said...

Interesting piece of info Christina.

Thanks for adding me :-) I've added you to my blogroll as well.

Unknown said...

Hiya Deborah,
long time no see hope you are well!


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